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Now that you’ve had a home inspection, what do you do?
As a new homeowner, it’s important to understand that your house requires care and maintenance. With time, parts of your house will wear out, break down, deteriorate, or simply stop working. InterNACHI’s home maintenance book provides valuable information that will help you keep your home safe and in top condition for years to come. InterNACHI’s “Now That You’ve Had a Home Inspection” book is provided exclusively by InterNACHI Certified Home Inspectors.
We understand that buying your first home is exciting.
It can also be the source of many questions, even after you’ve decided on the home of your dreams. Finding a good home inspector during the process of buying your new home is one of the most important steps in this process.
Dancer & Company Inspections will provide you with the information you need to feel comfortable throughout the inspection process!